Thursday, February 26, 2009


Finally I have Internet again we had some roofing work done and the roof guy put 3 nails in our Internet cable we have been trying since the 12Th to get it fixed. I have been anxious to get his trip posted.

First things first he was not a very happy man when he had to pack a jacket and jeans. John lives in his shorts and sometimes a windbreaker all year round. His first summer in Arizona I didn't think he was going to survive but now he refuses to EVER live in the cold climate ever again. He does miss some parts of Montana, but who can blame him the mountains are amazing and the rivers are always full and winding down the mountains it is so beautiful even in the dead of winter. These first pictures are of the mountains and the cold snow!

Montana Mountain's

'Kootnay River' The movie River Wild was filmed on this river.


John thought that this was a funny picture because these folk's have been building this house for the past three years. It's hard to see it in the picture but almost a third of the house his hanging off the mountain.

John is like me he loves a full moon, he took this picture from his parents front porch. I think it is so beautiful.

His parents dog sits on this snow pile and looks inside the window at everyone. The snow is at least 5ft tall.

John's dad Carl built this deer feeder. During the winter time their front yard is full of hungry deer.

For Christmas my mom, Grandma Reidhead bought Haven a brand new snow suite. It is so expensive to ship stuff that John brought it to her. Haven loved it so much that she would wear it inside almost the entire day. John said she would put it on then take it off over and over again she thinks it's so beautiful. From what she has told us she wears it to school so she can wear it at recess and not freeze to death.

It's cold to go outside so why not spend the day playing Wii Tiger Woods Golf!!

Haven Grace 7 1/2 years old

Haven and Daddy

John said that this was the only time that he went in the snow other then walking to the car.

What a cutie she has become. I love this picture with the yellow 'silk' flowers in the back ground.

We can't wait till April she will come here for her spring break, tonight she was asking if it was tomorrow.


Liz said...

Thanks for posting the pictures I've been anxiously awaiting them. I sure miss that little stinker! She has grown so much since summer. I'm happy she loves her snow suit. It's so funny that John hates the cold now because we didn't know if he was going to pull through that first summer...:)

mj and that girl that loves him~ said...

Hi Jess, tell John those are great pictures,I'm a full moon photo taker myself. His daughter is so sweet! I'm sure she just loved having him there. What a good Dad~
Have a great weekend~

Crystal Eldredge said...

I started crying, I miss that cute little thing! I can't wait to see her! She will be here for the baby shower. John and her look so happy. I am glad he had the chance to go and see her.

Jessica Caldwell said...

The first summer he thought he was going to die. Now the only thing he hates is the electric bill in the summer. Haven will be in AZ I'm thinking April 4-12 maybe dates are still in the air it depends on the flights. She has GROWN a ton since last summer, I'm excited to get to see her.

Amanda Griggs said...

I'm so glad you posted the pictures of the trip. Montana is such a beautiful place, but it looks freezing! I miss the heck out of Haven and can't wait to see her. The sooner she's here the sooner we get to meet the newest member of the family!

Thanks for the pics!

Jessica Caldwell said...

I know your getting so close to your due date. How exciting for you guys. I have to admit i'm glad i'ts your turn for 'labor' that part is not so much fun!

Sharron said...

Howe fun the pictures look and Haven is a doll! Just think, Jon & I tried to move up there, if it weren't for the grandkiddies, I would be mad that I am still down here, 10 feet from you know where!
Summer is coming too fast!