Monday, January 10, 2011

A Sunbeam A Sunbeam

Payten is a Sunbeam, I just can't believe how fast she has grown up. I remember taking her to my primary class when she was only two weeks old. I always had to leave to go nurse her at least twice during that block. Then it wasn't that much longer she was standing in nursery sucking on her binki and waving bye to me. Then yesterday she went to Sunbeams (we had the flu the first of January) she sang songs and listened to her teacher. She did tell me she missed snack time. I wasn't able to go with her yesterday because John is still sick we made a trip to the ER when they went to Church, but she seemed to have had a great day. She came home singing her song "Jesus wants me for A Sunbeam A Sunbeam to Shine for him each day...." She is right Jesus does want us to shine for him each day. It took a little Sunbeam to remind me that sometimes I'm not as shiny as I need to be.


Sharron said...

I decided a long time ago that once again, and again and again, that Heavenly Father has quite the sense of humor. He sends these sweet little helpless creatures and lets us totally fall in love with them before they let us have it by growing up.

He also lets these little creatures drive us totally NUTS and then has them sing to us in the sweetest little voices and teach us the same lessons that "we have all been learning for how long has it been?"

Pretty funny guy! Aren't we lucky to know and understand Him so that we can enjoy His little shenanigans and still love Him?!?!?!

Liz said...

She had a blast at Sunbeams and was such a good girl. She snuggled up in uncle Spencer's lap during was sweet.

Je9Jeanine said...

Thanks for featuring my video on your blog. Congrats on your new sunbeam.