Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Urgent Care Warning

As most of you know Kaitlen was taken from our home by CPS on March 22, 2009. An Urgent Care Doctor accused John of child abuse when he took her in for a hurt arm. For those of you who don't know the full story I will begin at the beginning.

My dear sister Crystal and her husband Spencer lost their sweet eight month old baby boy on Thursday March 19,2009. John had been taking me to Crystal's home around eight in the morning, so I could be there to help her and so I didn't have to be at home alone during this time. (We only have one car and he had to go to work) Saturday I had spent the day with Crystal and Spencer doing what I felt was an honor to but Sage's clothes away in his room and sit with Crystal while she so bravely made Sage's funeral program. When John got to Crystal's house he immediately gave her a hug and asked if he could help with anything, she very sadly asked him if he would put all of Sage's things in his room and close the door. With tears in his eyes John moved all of the babies toys that he could find and placed them in Sage's room and closed the door.

We got home and I went on the computer, John and Kaitlen started a game of Wii. About an hour later Payten was climbing on her slide, and fell from the top of it. Kaitlen just stood there and watched Payten struggle and cry; John picked up Payten and he told Katy to go to her room that he would talk to her in a minute. John gave me Payten and he went into Katy's room; he was frustrated that she would just stand there and not help Pay. While he was talking to her she was ignoring him and playing with her necklace. John grab her arm and directed her to the bed to sit next to him. John was alone with Katy for maybe 40 seconds tops; when Payten gets hurt she usually wants John. When I came in the room Katy was holding her arm I asked her what happened and she said that Daddy pulled her arm and her sunburn hurt now. (I had remembered to put sunscreen on Payten but I completely forgot Katy)I went back to the computer and those two continued to play Wii, alittle while later Kaitlen told John her arm was hurting a lot so he heated up our rice bag and but it on her shoulder area. About half an hour later he had me look at her shoulder I first thought she had been biten by a spider; but I soon realized that her skin is so sensitive that the heat from the rice bag had irritated her skin. John grab a package of frozen hot dogs and puts it on her arm pretty soon she seems OK she is playing the Wii and no more complaints.

5:00AM Kaitlen comes in our room and wakes up John she tells him her arm(shoulder) hurts really bad. John comes in and wakes me up and tells me that Kaitlen needs to go to an Urgent Care, he thinks she has a broken collar bone. We decided that John would take Katy to Urgent Care and he would drop Payten and myself off at Crystal's. Around ten in the morning John calls me and tells me that he thinks that he is going to jail, that they think he hurt Katy. I told him he was crazy and to keep me informed. I then call my dad and tell him that John is at the Urgent Care and he thinks that they think that he has hurt Katy.

Around 1 or 2 I get a call that the police are at the Urgent Care with Amanda and my Dad. They are arresting John on a traffic ticket and suspicion child abuse that her arm is pulled out of her socket and her collar bone break is the worst the doctor has ever seen. I was also told that I could not see Katy, they think that I'm covering up for John. Here I am at my sisters house who has just lost her son and I'm arguing with CPS. I felt so guilty and annoyed that they would even think that John or myself hurt Katy. I find out were they have taken John and with ALL of our money I go and bail him out. When I saw him he instantly began to cry and he promised me he has never hurt Katy not ever.

Tuesday morning Amanda who is due in three weeks now has temporary custody of Kaitlen. She takes her to one of the best pediatric orthopedic surgeons in the state. Within minutes the orth tells Mandy that Kaitlen's arm is not pulled out of socket that if the Urgent Care doctor had taken a picture of her good shoulder that she could have seen that it was just Katy's growth plate (every child has separation between joints so they have room to grow)He also told Mandy that Katy's arm broke from a fall not being pulled that again any doctor could tell that her break went up, its a compact break. PLUS he told Mandy that her xrays show that Kaitlen suffers from weak bones. That a bump on the trampoline or a fall from her bike could easily cause her to break a bone.

You would think that with this evidence, and Kaitlen's statements to the investigators that they would bring her home that day. BUT NO they lied to my mom and Amanda about Kaitlen seeing another ortho instead they did a sexual exam on her. They even made my baby put her little legs in the stirrups, mom said Kaitlen was devastated. Kaitlen had to change schools, and now she is failing. A month ago her teacher wanted her to skip 2nd grade and now she isn't even passing 1st grade.

During this entire thing, John and I are still grieving over the loss of Sage. We would get so mad when we had to be at home instead of seeing Spencer and Crystal. But how can we ask Amanda to stay home so we can see them. My family did not need this extra worry at this time. Plus I was upset that I couldn't take care of Kaitlen when she is hurt. This entire thing was a nightmare.

Today I got the call that Kaitlen is coming home on Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! With a HUGE I'm sorry from CPS and she should have never been taken from you guys. My prayers have been answered, we are so excited to have her home.

My word of advice to ALL parents is don't take your child to the same urgent care over and over again. Kailten had many accidents last summer, John and I just toke her to the same place. They used those accidents against him plus a broken collar bone that she still has no idea how she did it. We think she broke her collar bone when she fell off of her bike, it was a bad fall her body went over the handle bars.

Here are some pictures of her many injuries last summer.

Katy fell off of her bunk bed and broke her arm.

Bonked heads with Daddy.

Was helping John feed the horses and accidental got stabbed with a pitch fork.


Liz said...

LOL When you see all of her "owies" you would think some one was abusing her but I was there for them and I KNOW! It was around midnight and all of us were watching TV when we heard the loud crash and fall of Kaitlen landing on her Dora Cstle braking her arm and bruisng the back of her leg. I can see where they might jump to conclusions and that's just what they did. They didn't take the time to examine the brake and listen to Kaitlen to get the full story. That poor girl was so sad and thought she had been bad so she couldn't go home. She always firmly told CPS NO MY DADDY DID NOT HURT ME...those people are underhanded and really can't be trusted. But it's over and she gets to go home but what if one of the kids gets hurt again? It makes you afraid to seek help and if you don't you'll still be in trouble. Gosh all of Amanda's breaks and Royal's bike wrecks and RaLee's burn Teele and I wouldn't have our kids. It's just so scary and it couldn't have happened at a worse time for our family! We weren't even allowed to totally emerse ourselves in Sage's passing because we had CPS to deal with. Sorry I could go on all day over this entire mess! It was just too much for all of us and Kaitlen, if you think about it, really didn't get the time to grieve for Sage. She told me a couple days ago with huge tears in her eyes that she really missed him.

Amanda Griggs said...

This whole thing was a nightmare. I am so glad that Kate is going home and we can start a new normal. Life will never be the same and learning the new is hard. I pray we can all help each other get through it.

Sharron said...

I am so glad that the healing can really begin for your family. Give her a hug and yourselves for me. I love you guys and have worried so much over the last month.

Jessica Caldwell said...

I'm just so thankful that this will be over soon. I have has a difficult time locating parenting classes in our area. But I have let CPS know this and they are trying to help me find a place.

Eldredge Family said...

I am so happy she gets to go home! I still laugh at John about being thrown in jail poor guy he needs post traumatic stress disorder medication or therapy!

I am glad CPS is done with inverstigation. I thought for sure things were not looking good just because how rude they were to us. I hate CPS. I know what it feels like to feel so guilty for something you did not do. Investigations and reports to determine if your guilty.

Love you guys hang in there. I hope John does okay with his interviews and finds a new job. Your in my thoughts and prayers!

Anonymous said...

I am glad your nightmare is over, that is so awful.I agree CPS is the worst, they have no tenderness. Poor Katy, John, and you. You all have been in my heart and prayers.

Megan said...

I am so happy you are getting your girl back. I can't stop crying for you. I don't know how you and your family are handling all this at once.
I am astounded that CPS has that much control. It is frightening.
Also I am sickened that they made her do an examination for sexual assault with out warrant. You should NEVER be allowed to do that to a young girl with out a very good reason. I think that is sexual assault.
But she is coming home!!

Jessica Caldwell said...

It has been the hardest five weeks any of us have ever had to go threw. Crystal has amazed me with her streangth and never ending love for her Heavenly Father. Each time I would start to feel down I would think of her and if she can hold her head up then I knew so could I. I know how I have felt these past weeks I can't even begin to try to understand what Crystal and Spencer are going threw. They are such examples.

SHE is comming home today!!!!!!!!!