Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Snow Snow were are you??

So for the month of January we had one full week of snow and it was amazing, and now it's melting off and just a yucky mess. We bought the kids some new cool sleds and they went sledding again, but the new thing was going down on their stomachs! Maybe February will bring more snow, there is this hill/mountain area we want to take the kids sledding down they call it 'killer mountain' Just a few more months and it will be SPRING I can't wait for warmer temperatures and spring flowers!!


Amanda Griggs said...

They warned us about the weather here and in MT, and this winter we are setting a record for the mildest winter on record! AAARRRGGGG, next year we will freeze our butts off!

Jessica Caldwell said...

It's been cold just not that much snow, today it was 40 and I told John hay it's a nice day today not that cold! LOL since when did 40 not be THAT COLD!! I'm looking forward to spring though!!! & CAMPING

Liz said...

Hush about all your talk of warmer weather and spring! I'm so not ready for triple digits! Your hill sounds and looks pretty adventurous...I hope the girls get to go down it on their new sleds they wear helmets? Heads and trees don't mix. Yes I'm a worry wart.

Ayala Westgrove Heights said...

wow how charming. I thought this four kids an angel..
