Thursday, September 29, 2011

Winter Attitude

 In just a few weeks my kids and I will be entering a new era in our life's called  WINTER!! I have decided that no matter how cold it gets that my family is going to do something fun and new each month in the snow. Being how last year Montana had snow on the ground before Halloween, I'm getting my blog ready! I won't have a camera until January to share pix, but if your on my face book ill post pictures from my iPhone for you all!! We are ready with snow pants, winter coats, boots and gloves now all we need is some white stuff and let winter fun begin!! Do any of you have any fun ideas for playing in the snow??


Mariah said...

The ONLY way I do snow is to drive to it ONCE a winter, let the kids sufficiently frozen, buy a cookie at the cookie cabin, and drive back to my desert snow free home. ;-D Good luck with getting out and doing something fun every week. Keep us posted.

Liz said...

Nope, I don't have a single suggestion... Christmas tree hunting was long as there were thermos's of hot cocoa around and lots of it! I don't do "UPS" or "WINTERS" very well... so good luck! I like the attitude you have taken , view it as an adventure!

glyza said...

Lovely kids.. :-) [7:10:06 AM] deer antler velvet :-)