Saturday, August 28, 2010

Sorry Payten

So Payten was siting on my lap when I had this on she jumped from my lap screaming ran into her bedroom screaming and crying she was so scared. When I was able to calm her down she told me 'Momma Pay Pay don't like scary monster on yours puter' Okay I know this was a mean thing to do but it was so funny to see her reaction. She was so afraid for Kaitlen that she opened her door an inch and was yelling for her' K-T MA to come in yours room before the monster gets her' I know I know its a mean thing to do but so funny.


Eldredge Family said...

I would have paid good money to watch Pay Pay watch this! I think I would have laughed till I cried!! Nothing really scares Pay it is funny to think she got a little scared! Good way to teach kids to leave computer alone!!!

Liz said...

Oh it's so funny watching people when they are reading/looking at "one of those" e mails. I can only imagine how scared Payten got. Crystal's right maybe it will incourage her to leave the computer alone?