Wednesday, November 25, 2009


"I started this Post Last Wednesday"

Today Mom and Crystal needed to run to the store to pick up a few last minute items for our Thanksgiving dinner. I knew that the stores would be insane so I told Crystal that I would keep an eye on her kids for her. Last minute shopping is hard enough without kids in toe. I was making them some grilled cheese for lunch and happened to look out the kitchen window there on the trampoline was six happy beautiful children. I stooped what I was doing and looked at each one of them and it hit me that even though this has been one of the hardest years our family has ever had to endure we still have so much to be thankful for.

I am thankful for William, he is always such a big help with the younger children. He always makes sure that Jayden and Payten are taken care of that no one is mean to them.

I am thankful for Wayne, he always makes me laugh he tries so HARD at everything he does. He won the Kindergarten Turkey Trot this year at his school I was so proud of him.

I am thankful for Trey, he LOVES LOVES every holiday with a passion no matter how small the decorations he thinks they are all so pretty. He also takes care of Payten for me she is his best friend!

I am thankful for Jayden, she playes with my monster even though Payten is SOOOO mean to her. Jayden always gives me hugs and she loves to show me her pretty hair.

I am thankful for Kaitlen, she is such a big help with Payten. I love how she loves to learn and how excited she gets when it is library day. I love that she is almost eight and still hates to get her hair brushed.

I am thankful for Payten, she makes me smile a hundred times a day. I love her love for animals. Her concern for anyone that is hurt and her thirst for adventure. That baby is never at a loss for something to do.

As I stood at the window I thought of Miss Izzy and how sweet she is; she has brought so much joy to Amanda and John. I love seeing her grow and learn new things. Haven is also a sweet heart and has grown up so much over these last years. She is an awesome big sister and is SO excited for a baby brother. Sage was also on my mind I am thankful for him for allowing me to be his Aunt and for always having a smile on his face when I held him. I am thankful for his sweet spirit and the memories I will always have of him.


Jessica Caldwell said...

I hate it when blogspot doesn't show anyone has posted anything new for days! It makes me look like I just don't read your blog. I'm with you a hundred percent...we have had a very difficult year and yet we are so blessed. I too like to sit and think about each of the individual kids and their personalities and how they each impact/effect our family and everyday lives.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and gratitude this Holiday season. Love you

Liz said...

Well apparently you didn't log out last time you used the computer so my comment posted as you(Jessica) and not me...Liz...Mom... So that last comment was from me :) :)

Eldredge Family said...

I just saw this post! Sorry Jessy! I too am grateful for all of our children and how nicely they all play and get along with each other. I think you said it best! They are all such good kids. So many blessings to happy about!

Amanda Griggs said...

I agree with you Jessica! All of the kids bring so many blessings into our lives! Be them in there own shape and form, but so many blessings!

From the day Crystal told me she was pregnant with Will, I knew that life would never be the same, and I looked forward to be an aunt. I love being an Aunt, and I love being a mom! I am so thankful for all of our little children.

Amanda Griggs said...

I agree with you Jessica! All of the kids bring so many blessings into our lives! Be them in there own shape and form, but so many blessings!

From the day Crystal told me she was pregnant with Will, I knew that life would never be the same, and I looked forward to be an aunt. I love being an Aunt, and I love being a mom! I am so thankful for all of our little children.

Amanda Griggs said...

So I guess it left it twice. . . strange I only hit the button once!

Pink_Lady said...

i jess .. i'm REENA from malaysia .. nice reading ur blog ..

Sharron said...

This time of year does help us stop and think about what is really important, doesn't it? It sounds like you had a special day, I'm happy for you!