Sunday, March 15, 2009

Mother Nature

Yesterday Kaitlen and I where watching some Kid show on Disney when a commercial came on advertising Tampax Pearl. "Mother Nature" was there giving this women her monthly gift. After the commercial Kaitlen asked me if I get my gift from mother nature. I was taken off guard with her question thank goodness she was mad that this whole time mother nature had been skipping her that she didn't realize I hadn't answered her. I told her that she was to young to understand the mother nature monthly gift and that one day I would let her in on the gift. She then told me she knows I get a gift each month because I have special toilet paper in my bathroom (referring to my tampons) I just laughed and asked her what kind of gift she thinks I get each month in a very know it all tone she tells me I get new makeup each month and she wants her gift too. When John got home I told him about our conversation and he and I both agree she is still to young to fully understand "mother nature" so for now she thinks that mommy gets new make up each month. Honestly that would be so much better then the real 'gift'.


Liz said...

LOL Jessica I laughed so hard when I saw that commercial now it's even funnier. You know Kaitlen is 7 I told you when you were 8. I don't know why I did I just felt prompted and then 8yrs and 10 months old you started your period. I was so thankful we had been talking about it because if not you would have been terrified. None of the other girls got their "gift" that early and neither did I. But Kaitlen just might. So maybe in a year you might have to tell her "Just in case". Man that's so strange to think about isn't it? She's too young for that stuff and so were you! It just wasn't fair for you that's for sure.

Liz said...

I agree new make-up every month would be way better! I'm still chuckling at this post...:)

mj and that girl that loves him~ said...

Oh lucky you Jessica,,,not~ That is sure early..Maybe you'll go threw menapause earlier then. I haven't had my gift for nine months now and that's been a great GIFT! LOL Although the other things that go along with it suck...feeling like your burning up inside,night and day sweats...Oh aren't we the lucky ones,lol

Jessica Caldwell said...

I hope that she doesnt have the pleasure of getting her 'gift' when she is eight that made elementray school HELL for me.

John and I joke now and call it my gift from mother nature, we can always get a good laugh from Kaitlen.

Eldredge Family said...

LOL! Such a cute story! I loved it! I only wish we got makeup each month! I really like it when that gift comes sorta like we dodged the flying bullets this month!

Jessica Caldwell said...

'flying bullets' that is a funny way of saying it!! Me i'm wishing for the flying bullets and no gift for about 10 months!!

Amanda Griggs said...

This is hilarious Jessy! Monthly gifts certainly aren't fun! I'm glad she still hasn't gotten hers! ONE DAY, Kate you will regret asking for it! LOL!