Saturday, January 31, 2009

Wish List

Today John went back to work after being home for the last three days. I have to admit I miss him very much when is is working, for the next four days I feel like I'm in solitary confinement. What is a girl to do but THINK of all the many things she wishes she had or was doing.

1. I would love maid service! When John is home I don't really do much house work so by Saturday the house is in bad shape.

2. A magic hair brush that will comb the girls hair, I HATE doing it half the time I suck at it anyway or they mess it up 20 minutes later.

3. To never have to shower again. Payten either cries the entire time I'm in the shower or she is in it with me. Try shaving with a 16 month old watching your every move. I find her in my shower trying to shave her little legs.

4. I wish for all ready made meals so I'll never have to think 'whats for dinner' I hate that at 7 in the morning I'm already thinking what am I going to feed these guys for dinner.

5. To get better then John in all the Wii games, the man needs to know what it feels like to loose.

6. No CAR payment, ever again seeing $500 go to a freakin car each month kills me.

7. Have grass in my yard.

8. Have the best kitchen cooke were (wear) not sure.

9. To always know the right answers to give to my girls.

10. Someone to read to Payten, by the 12 hour of it I want to burn all books in my house.

11. Another Baby.

12. Vacations twice a year.

13. To be in the young women's.

14. To always want to go to church.

15. A new computer.

16. To never burn another thing. While I was writing this I burnt my cinnamon rolls I have been making all day for the Super Bowl party.


Liz said...

That's quite the wish list. Two vacations a year...geez I will settle for just one with your 30 years he has never gone anywhere with all of us! You know that but that's been my wish forever! Sorry about the rolls.

mj and that girl that loves him~ said...

Good morning,so what's for dinner? LOL Sorry had to tease ya~ I know the feeling tho, it use to get to me too.. Rachael Ray I think has a website, check into it. Might have some fun and easy dinner meals there.
Have a great Sunday and life gets easier believe me~ ;~)

Tamra and Jim said...

Sounds like your life is pretty normal. Enjoy every minute reading, cooking, cleaning, and taking care of your kids. Trust me, the time goes by way too fast.

Jessica Caldwell said...

LOL!!! I have a Super Bowl party tonight so no need to worry about dinner. Thanks for the tip Aunt Kathy, I will look at her sight.

Aunt Tamra, Kaitlen is going to be seven at the end of this month and Haven is almost eight. You are right time does go by fast. I love it very much I was just in a mood yesterday for some reason

Crystal Eldredge said...

I wish I was skinny! You know just putting it out there!

Jessica Caldwell said...

I thought about putting that on my list, but I'm fat because I eat crap and dont move

Amanda Griggs said...

I like the wish list. . . . I haven't thought about an actual wish list. We do think about what we would if we won the lotto! So far John would buy a Harley, and I would think real hard before making a purchase!