Kaitlen has always been a smart little girl; she has amazed almost everyone who meets her with just how smart she is. When we moved last September, John and I were afraid that she would be behind in school. The district we were moving into has all day Kindergarten and they go year round, Kaitlen only had half day kindergarten and she had never been in year round school. Her first week there was testing because the 9 week quarter was ending; her teacher said that she would test Kaitlen and if she did good then she would grade her, but if she failed then she would not be given a grade. Kaitlen did AWESOME she passed everything, she had lower scores in math and spelling 78% but she passed all of her tests. Now that she has had a full 9 weeks with her teacher she has the seconded highest grades in her class. Her spelling and math are now her highest scores, John and I are so proud of how much she has grown these last few months. She was also nominated for student of month. I guess this is a huge honor in her school, she had a pizza party on Friday. She said that all the kids were so jealous of her, and they kept on giving her hugs.On Thursday her teacher e-mailed me so I thought I would share it.
Hi Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell,
The report cards for last quarter were mailed out. I will check to see if I can get another copy to you. Kaitlen is doing excellent in class. She has told me that she told you I nominated her for student of the month in my class. She is well deserving of this honor and it is a pleasure to have her in my class. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Mrs. Rodriguez
She earned Principal's list
My Student of the Month!!
WAY TO GO KAITLEN! Grandpa and Grandma are so proud of you!
Very cool! I love her!
She is a lot of fun!!
Good job Kaitlen! and mom and dad, that's where it all begins!
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