Monday, January 26, 2009

Party Girl

Payten played hard all day yesterday. She jumped on the trampoline with me for a few hours, then she dug in the dirt with Kaitlen making me mud birthday cake. When it was time for my favorite time of day, you guessed it NAP TIME . She cried and refused to nap instead she threw all of her blankets, pillow, bumper pads out of her crib. I was not looking forward to the hour drive to get to Grandma's house with her. When we got there it was all play. She ran, climbed the swing set chased Jayden around, played drums with uncle Royal outside and who can forget her love of baby Sage. Needless to say she was asleep a few minutes into our LONG ride home.


Liz said...

YEA! I'm so glad you have your blog up and running! How exciting. Payten is so adorable with Sage. She knows he is a baby and try's to cuddle with him and be so gentle. Glad you had a good day yesterday and that you drove that hour to see us.

mj and that girl that loves him~ said...

Hi Jessica!
Nice to see u have your own blog page now also!
Fun, fun, I love seeing all the pictures everyone puts on here. I use more FaceBook.
Glad you had a nice time yesterday on your birthday~ from the sounds of it, good food and a nice birthday cake your Mom made for you~
What more could a girl want?! ;~)
Stay sweet and beautiful, love u~

Eldredge Family said...

Pay Pay is so darn cute! I love her blondie hair and blue eyes! Ohh Happy birthday old timer! You had 30 candles on your cake before I did! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I will not let you forget that!

Jessica Caldwell said...

You will still be thirty before me!

Liz said...

Okay in my defense I put TWO of those sparkly no blow-em-out candles on there so I added two more that would blow know for good luck. Then the sparklers didn't work:( But it's going to be funny to see Jessica turn 30 because she just hates the though of getting old! Fun times ahead!

Jessica Caldwell said...

Not so much, I'm afraid of being old.

Amanda Griggs said...

Both of you will be 30 before I will!