Thursday, January 29, 2009

Morning Surprise

Ever since Payten was born she has surprised us all at how fast she has grown up. From rolling over at three months too crawling at five months and walking at eight months. She can communicate with you without ever talking she points to what she wants and shakes her head NO until you figure it out. Lately she has been undressing herself, I will find her in her room standing next to her close, diaper and shoes with the biggest I did it smile on her face. The past couple weeks when I go to get her out of her crib in the mornings she is standing there naked, with everything thrown out of her crib and she is just smiling away. Today I took pictures of her mess.

Her blankets, diaper and cup all thrown out of her crib.

Nice bed head, she started to cry she wanted out.

I love those BLUE eyes!

Notice the giant PEE spot in the middle, so gross this is a morning thing with her. I have to put jamie's on that zip up or have snaps. John put on shorts and a t-shirt last night.


Liz said...

LOL that's so funny! She's always HATED bed! Looks like you have a very early riser on your hands and you will have to start beating her to the punch. I think most babies go through the stage of unloading the crib. Crystal sat and chewed on the top railings...that would upset me so much because it was my nice crib set and I knew it needed to last.

Jessica Caldwell said...

She is just so funny, I told John when he put her jamies on that she can take those off but hay I didnt have to dress her so I couldnt complain to much. The nasty bedding (again) thats something to complain about.

Tamra and Jim said...

Glad you have a blog now! What a dilemma to get to wake up to! At least you live where it's warm if she's going to strip down every morning!

Sharron said...

Aren't kids a kick? I used cloth diapers and boy could I get them tight at night, to make sure that I didn't have that little adventure more than once (I had a dirty one, smeared). Silly sarah love being naked, She would strip down to her diaper or panties, even though we didn't have central heat in our house. Kids just love to be naked, what can we say ... we're just jealous!

Jessica Caldwell said...

Very true and they look so darn cute in the buff. I would be mortified if I was ever photoed naked.

Liz said...

LOL Do you remember how much RaLee loved being naked! I had to put her diaper on backwards hoping to make it more difficult for her to rip off. Then when that didn't work I had to put duck tape all the way around that diaper in one big strip. It was the most frustrating thing! Wish I had taken a picture of that.

Jessica Caldwell said...

RaLee was a little strip tease, she would run around the neighborhood butt naked we would always have to go bring her back in

Eldredge Family said...

She is so cute! I have never had a kid do this yet!!! LOL! I just love her so much.