Saturday, August 11, 2012

Another Ultra Sound Mistake

We had another Ultra Sound yesterday to make sure baby was growing and that the heart had all the chambers. Well the tech surprised us by informing us that our sweet little girl was a sweet little BOY!! This is the third pregnancy that we have been told the wrong sex at first!!! Regardless of this new piece of news we are still SO excited to be welcoming a new baby into our family!

"BOY oh BOY"

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

SUMMER 2012 is nearly gone

Oh my goodness summer is nearly gone kids start school in a few weeks and we are already getting the woods cut for the winter! We have had a fun summer though with lots of company from my end, we loved having my mom, and two sisters and their family come stay with us for 2 awesome weeks! We had a lot of laughs shared some old memories and made new ones. John and I went through the Spokane Temple on July 20th we felt so blessed to have my family there with us on our special day! We also found out the sex of our baby and after the shock has worn off that I'm going to be the mom of 4 daughters we are so excited to meet our new baby girl!!!  We have since moved from Libby to an even smaller town in MT, our new ward is a branch with only 35 active members! Sometimes I miss the larger wards, but I know our new branch needs us badly. So far no new callings for either one of us, but we know their coming!