Saturday, February 28, 2009
7 Years Ago Today
7 Years Ago Today I had been in labor for the last two days.
7 Years Ago Today I had been pushing for nearly 4 hours with no luck.
7 Years Ago Today my daughter was born at 9:21 pm.
7 Years Ago Today I remember being so scared that I was a mommy.
7 Years Ago Today I laid in my hospital room all alone holding my 6lb princess
7 Years Ago Today I named her Kaitlen Elizabeth.
7 Years Ago Today I thanked Heavenly Father for his daughter.
I always feel such appreciation to my family when it is Kaitlen's birthday; her first 4 birthdays she just had me and my family. They always made sure it was such a special day today was no exception. John had to work ALL day, so we planed her family party for tomorrow so John could be there. Grandma and Aunt Crystal would not allow the day to pass without seeing Kaitlen on her birthday. John and I were going to meet at the park and have Kaitlen open her presents from us. Grandma and Crystal's family wanted to also see her open her gifts; last minute they came to the park. Which helped make her day even more special. Then Spencer and Crystal had a yummy BBQ at their home for her doing all this last minute. Not to mention they still plan on driving the hour to my house tomorrow for her 'real' party with the cake and ice cream. I have such an awesome family they never let me down. Kaitlen is so lucky to have such wonderful Aunts and Uncles who love her so much, not forgetting her Grandparents who love her as much as I do.
I also LOVE seeing John there for her, I have to fight back tears each time I see them together. He is hands down the BEST DAD for our girls, everyday I thank Heavenly Father for him. Kaitlen has grown to love him and need him to be with her. Her birthday always reminds me just how blessed we are to be safe and together. I love seeing her Daddy there at her birthday celebrating the day she was born. It fills my heart with love and admeration towards him that he can open his heart and love her completly as if he was there 7 years ago.
She wanted an MP3 Player, I love her facial expression when she opened it.
Now she can scrapbook like Grandma!
Daddy, Payten and Kaitlen
Park Fun!
Jayden and Payten got into Crystal's garden boxes while we were waiting for Spencer to finish BBQ. Boy did they have fun throwing soil on one another!!
I hope that they will be the best of friends when they are older. I love seeing them play together.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Outside Fun
This time they were driving to the store to pick me up some flowers and milk.
Santa brought Kaitlen that Barbie Jeep when she was almost two. It needs a new battery I don't have the heart to trash it the kids play in it all the time.
I love Payten's smile, when you take her picture she says 'Cheese'
Kaitlen got out and Payten was sure mad at her! Then she got herself stuck trying to get out.
I bought this slide for Kaitlen when she was 12months old. This slide has seen many kiddie pools and little hines. Now it's Payten's turn to love it, she goes down it all by herself.
"Cheese Mom"
Kaitlen was reminding me that her beloved bike needed a new tube. Kids always know how to make you feel like crap.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
First things first he was not a very happy man when he had to pack a jacket and jeans. John lives in his shorts and sometimes a windbreaker all year round. His first summer in Arizona I didn't think he was going to survive but now he refuses to EVER live in the cold climate ever again. He does miss some parts of Montana, but who can blame him the mountains are amazing and the rivers are always full and winding down the mountains it is so beautiful even in the dead of winter. These first pictures are of the mountains and the cold snow!
Montana Mountain's
'Kootnay River' The movie River Wild was filmed on this river.
John thought that this was a funny picture because these folk's have been building this house for the past three years. It's hard to see it in the picture but almost a third of the house his hanging off the mountain.
John is like me he loves a full moon, he took this picture from his parents front porch. I think it is so beautiful.
His parents dog sits on this snow pile and looks inside the window at everyone. The snow is at least 5ft tall.
John's dad Carl built this deer feeder. During the winter time their front yard is full of hungry deer.
For Christmas my mom, Grandma Reidhead bought Haven a brand new snow suite. It is so expensive to ship stuff that John brought it to her. Haven loved it so much that she would wear it inside almost the entire day. John said she would put it on then take it off over and over again she thinks it's so beautiful. From what she has told us she wears it to school so she can wear it at recess and not freeze to death.
It's cold to go outside so why not spend the day playing Wii Tiger Woods Golf!!
Haven Grace 7 1/2 years old
Haven and Daddy
John said that this was the only time that he went in the snow other then walking to the car.
What a cutie she has become. I love this picture with the yellow 'silk' flowers in the back ground.
We can't wait till April she will come here for her spring break, tonight she was asking if it was tomorrow.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
John David Caldwell
Remember when my divorce was final and mom was determined to get me back in the dating game. She went to LDS Mingles, created an account for me and the next thing I knew I was out there ready or not it was done. I remember we had an engagement party for Crystals brother in law out at moms house, I was outside chatting when mom came and got me she told me that there was this guy that seemed to like me and she wanted me to talk to him. 'Jess he is very handsome and he seems to like you he sent you a smile' with an eye roll I went inside and that's when I first saw my John.
This picture was one he had posted on his profile.
At first sight I thought he was very handsome, he didn't look like a serial killer so I sat down and sent him a smile back. We chatted threw e-mail for about a week, I was amazed at how much he knew about me in just a weeks time. The next step was to trust him enough to call him. I was so worried and nervous and excited to hear what his voice sounded like. I called him first and to my horror I got his voice mail, it was the worst so me a complete retard left the worst message I said 'I won you didn't answer' I felt so dumb that I called back again and left a better message. Needless to say we talked for hours and hours all night I would say goodbye when he was leaving for work and Kaitlen was waking up for the day.
John was going to surprise me with a visit on the 4Th of July, he knew that was my favorite holiday. But John, missed his flight and didn't arrive on the earlier flight so my mom and his mom decided that they should tell me that he was on his way. His flight came in at midnight, and to his complete surprise I was there. I knew that I loved him the minute we met. John asked me to marry him on the 4Th I was so happy. I knew that I had found Kaitlen the dad that she needed and me the husband I deserved. We married in my parents back yard at sunset on November 11,2006.
I loved everything about my wedding.
My new daughter Haven, Kaitlen and Crystal's children were all in our line.
We had such a pretty sunset.
So over the last few years my love for him has only grown. He makes me laugh daily and always reminds me life is to short to worry so much. We welcomed our third daughter on September 1, 2007. I cried when John blessed her on our 1 year anniversary, Payten was John's first blessing and he did such an amazing job.
I went to a web sight and turned his picture into 'him from the 80's with a mullet' so funny.
He is always making me laugh. He put a ribbon from his present on his head !
We were just playing around with me new camera. Look at those sexy arms!!
This is a shout out to RaLee!! We love her so much.
I'm counting the days until my wild man is home. He is amazing and I can't believe just how much I miss him!!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Sun Burn in February
Payten, played outside all day with Kaitlen. I love how dirty she gets, I think she eats more dirt then she does dinner. Can you see her checks beginning to turn red?
We love her so much, she is a lot of fun!
John took these pictures of her little face after her bath. I felt so bad that she had burned, I was hoping it was the hot water from her tub that made her checks so red.
If you ask her to say cheese she gives you the best smile in the world!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Good Bye
Well it's done the $485 Envoy payment is no longer our worry. I have to admit it was kinda sad to see it leave yesterday, maybe because John was in it. For those of you who don't know the story let me fill you in. When John and I got married we bought his EXs Envoy, what a hassle it has been. The car is still in her name so to get it tagged we have to deal with Montana, plus we have to DEAL with her over any other issue we have had with it. When it hit 100,000 miles and we still owed three years on it we knew that something had to change. John's parents asked us if they could buy it from us and we jumped on it. I mean the payment is only a few hundred dollars cheaper then our house each month. Also it has leather seats, which burn your booty in the summer time and 4 wheel drive that we have used once since leaving Montana. We can't use the sun roof because Payten gets ear infections if wind blows in her ears. So this week Carl, John's dad flew in so he and John could drive it back to Montana and John can see Haven for the week then he will fly home on the 14th. Now the stupid part of our grown up decision is we gave our only transportation away without having something new to drive. Why you wonder because we are waiting for our tax return to either buy something flat out or put a large down on something and have a super low payment. I guess the moral of my story is unless you plan on living in your car, you don't need to be driving a 30K car just so the kids and spill their Happy meal in the seats. I just pray we can find something reasonable to drive soon! In the mean time Amanda and John have loaned us there white car to drive! I love family they always help out.
Friday, February 6, 2009
I think I can fit!
She learned how to get herself inside her baby stroller!!
She wanted Kaitlen to push her around in it.
The next night she found Kaitlen's Barbie car she managed to sit in it!!
I think this is just to funny.
She climbed inside the doll house this is her getting out.
Next she climbed into the bassinet I use for the baby I babysit.
The entire time she is blowing me kisses and saying night night mom! Needless to say I'm so thankful for good health insurance because I'm certain she is going to break something.